The Cranky Conservative has tagged me with a birthday research challenge, so here goes. Sadly since my blogging circle is pretty limited, it will end with me. Only fitting since we're taking a look at the last day of the year. I expected bigger things from the history of this day. But it's fairly dry...unless, of course, you consider all the partying and drinking we do every year on New Year's Eve! 1991 - The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is officially dissolved. (A great day for America and the world and a victory for freedom and President Reagan.) 1904 - The first New Year's Eve celebration is held in Times Square, then known as Longacre Square, in New York, New York. (Since is the way millions celebrate my birthday every year, I must celebrate it here too.) 1879 - Thomas Edison demonstrates incandescent lighting to the public for the first time. (Let's face it: has there been an invetion that changed the world more than the introduction of electric light? Maybe the wheel, but it's a short list.) 1880 - George C. Marshall, United States Secretary of State, Nobel Laureate (Boring, I know, but he helped win World War 2 and then successfully keep the peace, so let's give him his due.) 1869 - Henri Matisse, French painter (I think he was a pre-eminant impressionist painter if I'm remembering my 11th grade art class with Hedda Nussbaum correctly.) 1972 - Roberto Clemente, Puerto Rican baseball player (One of the all-time great baseball players and baseball persons.) New Year's Eve on the Gregorian Calendar (20 more days till we pop the champagne and celebrate Big Daddy's birthday!) |